Tag Archives: grammar schools

What’s Wrong with Education?

Image by Elisa from Pixabay

Last week there was an item on the radio about education. It stated that in a survey, 20% of teachers had been hit by a pupil. This is shocking.

Many teachers had been sworn at or even spat at by pupils, too, and also threatened by parents. So what is going on.

Firstly, I think that parents don’t take enough responsibility for their children. I see kids running around in supermarkets, chasing each other up and down the aisles while the parents take no notice. I hear parents swearing at their children, too, so it’s no wonder they don’t see it’s wrong to swear at their teachers.

Admittedly, there are some teachers who antagonise the children, deliberately or otherwise, and those who ‘demand’ respect but don’t realise that that is something that has to be earned.

But I think the biggest problem is the way we teach our children.

We assume that a ‘one size fits all’ education is the ideal. This has children sitting at desks (and I’m talking secondary here, as I know that primary doesn’t do this all the time), with the teacher teaching in an academic way.

The subjects, too are mainly academic, and everyone has to take the GCSE exam. Now, the Government, in its wisdom, has decreed that all youngsters have to be in some form of education until the age of 18.

Now this is regardless of aptitude, ability or interest. Everyone has to follow the National Curriculum. Everyone has to study the same things.

The 1944 Education Act stated that all children must attend school until they were 15. There were three kinds of school set up.

1 Grammar Schools. These were for those pupils who could benefit from an academic education. They were formal, and run much like all schools today. In order to get a place at a grammar school, pupils took an examination in 3 subjects that were called, in my day, English, Arithmetic and Non-verbal Reasoning (or intelligence!). Parents had to sign that they would keep the child in school until aged 16, and they did ‘O’ level exams.

    2. Technical Schools. These schools taught in a more hands on way. Subjects such as Woodwork, Metalwork, Bricklaying, Printing, and other engineering courses etc were taught, and typing and shorthand, too. I don’t know what exams the pupils at these schools did, though. But I’m sure they must have done some.

    3. Secondary Modern for the rest. No exams were expected of these pupils, although when I taught in Salford in the late 1960s, the council had produced their own exam for these pupils called the Salford Certificate. But the way of teaching them was the same as in Grammar schools. I taught English and the set books for the course were The Importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wilde, Shane by Jack Schaefer, or a book about a boy living in an African village. Nothing they could relate to at all.

    I understand why this was done. It was considered unfair to label children at age 11, but we now have so many kids disillusioned, bored and hating their education.

    I really think that the way we teach our children should be seriously looked at. I know from experience of teaching a wide range of ages and abilities that you cannot have the same way of teaching, nor the same curriculum for every pupil.

    Thank you for reading my rant. I have no idea how to cure it, but I think that this is one of the main problems. If pupils were engaged in their education, they wouldn’t be attacking teachers, disrupting lessons and bunking off.

    In Defense of Grammar Schools



    There is a debate going on in the UK at the moment about education. As an ex-teacher I am interested in the arguments.

    The Conservative Government wants to allow Grammar Schools to be re-established. Before the 1960s there was a system of Grammar Schools and Secondary Modern Schools.

    In order to get into a grammar school, all children took an examination at age 11, in the final year of their primary school. It was called the 11+ examination. Those pupils who were in the top percentage got a place in the grammar school. I don’t know what that percentage was, but I have heard it said that the top 25% went to grammar schools.


    The grammar schools were academic schools, and they taught academic subjects. secondary moderns tended not to teach much in the way of languages, for example.

    It is said that the future of children was settled at 11, and that was not good, because some children developed later. But the 11+ was not the end. There was a 12+ and a 13+ that pupils could take if they seemed to be developing in a more academic way.

    At that time, the school leaving age was 15. The pupils who went to grammar school had to stay on until 16 so they could do the GCE ‘O’ level examination. A few pupils stayed on at secondary modern and did ‘O’ levels as well. If they did well in the examinations, they could then go on to the 6th form in the grammar school or at a college. I have several friends who did this.

    During the 1960s, came the advent of the comprehensive school. These schools were deemed to be fairer than the old system. Each neighbourhood took in all the pupils from its catchment area. All went to the same school, regardless of their academic ability. This, it was said, was much fairer. It did not create an elite and a lot of ‘failures’ at the age of 11.


    On the face of it, this seems to be fine, only I think there are a number of flaws in this argument.

    The main one, I think is this. Pupils from a given area all go to the local comprehensive school. There is no examination for entry, so no feelings of failure by those who did not pass the 11+.
    That sounds fine, but if the neighbourhood school is not very good, all pupils from that particular neighbourhood are being failed.

    Children do not get the chance to meet children from a different background, either. They are living with these people, have been brought up in the area, either rich or poor, and so they do not get a rounded picture of society.

    The idea was the opposite of this. Pupils attending comprehensive schools were supposed to see all the different types of people. Yes, they saw all the different academic types, but not people from different social backgrounds.

    Comprehensive schools were supposed to prevent the feelings of failure by some pupils failing the 11+. I don’t think you can stop pupils from feeling inferior intellectually by lumping them all together. They can see the brighter pupils doing better than them in their academic work. That will make them feel inferior just as much as ‘failing’ the 11+.

    One other thing brought about by the introduction of comprehensive schools, is that the education given is a watered-down academic curriculum, which is not suited to all pupils, and has lowered the academic standards for the very brightest pupils.

    Grammar schools, they say, create an elite. This is supposed to be bad. In a perfect world, I suppose everyone would have the same academic capabilities, but everyone does not. There are some people who are much cleverer than others. Some say that it is solely due to their background how some people develop, and a middle class background is advantageous. This I would not dispute, but only to a point. There are middle class children who do not excel, and working class ones who do, in spite of their background.

    They say that comprehensive schools help social mobility. How? Pupils live and learn in the same area with the same people and values.

    In a grammar school, pupils come from all backgrounds and all areas of a town. They mix with each other and get to know something of the lives of each other. Pupils from working class backgrounds can get an academic education, and get away from the schools in their area where ambition is perhaps not so great.

    Bright pupils who live in an area with a poor school can get away from that as well.


    It is said that grammar schools have more middle class pupils than working class ones. That is something that can be worked out. ‘They’ say that the exam can be coached and middle class parents are more likely to put up the money for coaching. Well, I went to a grammar school and was coached for the exam, but not by private tutor, which is the perception, but by my primary school. Encourage primary schools in working class areas to coach. Or develop an exam where coaching is no advantage.

    There’s always an answer, and in my opinion, the advent of comprehensive schools has lowered standards. When I look at the exams I took at ‘O’ level and the exams pupils take at GCSE, there’s no comparison. We had to write essays. They just have ‘structured questions’, or fill in the blanks.

    I see grammar schools as promoting social mobility far more than comprehensive schools in contrast to what the detractors say, that they are elitist and prevent it.

    I would love to hear what you think of the grammar school debate.